Louchuan (traditional Chinese: 樓船; simplified Chinese: 楼船; pinyin: lóuchuán; lit. tower ships) were a type of Chinese naval vessels, primarily a floating fortress, which have seen use since the Han dynasty. Meant to be a central vessel in the fleet, the louchuan was equipped for boarding and attacking enemy vessels, as well as with siege weapons including traction trebuchets for range…
青竜(旧字体:靑龍󠄂、せいりゅう、せいりょう、拼音: qīnglóng チンロン)は、中国の伝説上の神獣で東西南北を守護する四神(四象)の1つ。東方を守護し、蒼竜(そうりゅう)とも呼ばれる。青竜は古来瑞兆とされており、幸運の天之四霊とは蒼竜、朱雀、玄武、白虎のこと 。青竜は、春(1月、2月、3月)を司る 。
五行分金、木、水、火、土五種屬性,白色、綠色、黑色、紅色、黃色五大色系各自代表這五種五行,找到了 命局中的喜用屬性,就可以確定命主的幸運色是什麼。 命局以金為喜用(八字喜金) 宜穿金黃色、白色服飾;平時佩戴白色與金黃色。
呂廄副練薛順強的兒子薛兆恆,加入馬會擔任見習學員已有一段長時間,亦參加足夠次數的沙田和從化馬場試閘,只是一直未獲機會前往外地受訓。 幸好等候多時之後,所有有。
The 2008 Summer Olympics (2008年夏季奥运会), officially the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (第二十九届夏季奥林匹克运动会) and officially branded as Beijing 2008 (北京2008), were an international multisport event held from 8 to 24 August 2008, in Beijing, China. A total of 10,942 athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) competed in 28 sports and 302 events, one eve…
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1983 (MCMLXXXIII, na numeração romana) foi um ano comum do século XX que começou num sábado, segundo o calendário gregoriano. A sua letra dominical foi B. A terça-feira de Carnaval ocorreu a 15 de fevereiro e o domingo de Páscoa a 3 de abril. Segundo o horóscopo chinês, foi o ano do Porco,。 Ver mais
楼船 - 青龍 玄武 -